Author: Matsuri Akino Rating: Reading Level: 5th to 7th
This reminds me of some of the best and most horrifying mangas I read as a teenager, fitting the serie's title. Whoever wishes to read it, must proceed with caution -- and a strong appetite for the graphically gory scenes.
Author:Lynne Rae Perkins Rating: Reading Level: 6th and up
Even though it took me some effort to get into the main part of the story, once I adjusted my own mood to fit the text's, the characters came alive and all the little scenes brought quite a bit of enjoyment: from their humor, insights, or authenticity. Definitely a book speaking for a specific audience -- and there is no predicting whom it might attract.
Author: Rick Riordan Rating: Reading Level: 4th to 6th
This is bound to be popular with anyone who loves action-packed adventure stories. Vastly accessible due to its simplicity both in prose style and in its explicitly directive explanations of Percy's emotional reactions to events. For me, there were simply too many repeated and predictable patterns (and some scenes thrown in simply for thrills) and not enough layers for contemplation to warrant deep satisfaction.